Many of us are seeking out ways to be healthier and have more energy. One of the best ways to do this is to listen to your body.How can one do this? There are some specific ways and times that you can increase your awareness of the effects certain things are having on you.
1. When you eat certain types of foods, how do you feel afterwards? If your energy is increased that’s a great sign. If you feel more tired, your stomach aches, or you get heartburn, that’s a good time to examine what you ate and make some changes to create a better, healthier effect next time.
2. When you take nutritional supplements, try to add new supplements one thing at a time so you can isolate where any effects are coming from. If it helps to energize you, that’s great. Unless its a sleeping supplement! In that case, take a smaller dose and see if it relaxes you instead. A good natural sleep aid should help to relax you and also help you sleep sounder and longer. If there are any after-effects such as grogginess in the morning, take less of the supplement or take it earlier in the day than bedtime, such as at dinner.
3. If you do exercises or take walks, etc. try to notice the effect it has afterwards. A good exercise should not completely exhaust you or make your muscles overly sore. If you have a muscle spasm or cramp, you can either reduce the amount of exercise next time, or increase the calcium and magnesium in your diet (or use supplements of these).
This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II Click Here, and Joints and More, a natural supplement for joint support, less aches, stronger hair and nails, and more energy Click Here.
Julianne H. of Canada says: “I continue to tell my friends about how Sleep Minerals II has changed my life. I am fully retired now but still remember driving to work and wondering if I would make it there due to sleep deprivation. And the debilitating leg cramps that used to occur every night have now become history. My legs were sore even into the next day. It’s great to be sleeping so much better, no more sore legs, and my calcium levels are being kept constant.” Click Here.