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Andrew Lehman
13101 W Washington Blvd Suite 140
Los Angeles, CA 90066

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Cfla, Inc
created on: 11/11/2011
CFLA was founded by Attorneys for Attorneys to provide a low cost litigation support service on matters of expertise within the industry. CFLA is a full service litigation support company serving more than 10,000 Law Firms and Attorneys in all 50 States, with specially licensed Mortgage Backed Securities Analysis, training and support. CFLA has certified more than 1,000 Executive Professionals through its Nationally Recognized and Industry Acclaimed "Mortgage Securitization Auditor Training", practical application, classroom setting, by our industry leading experts.

Latest Briefings:
Goldman Sachs $5B Settlement in Favor of Homeowners 527 views
1/22/2016, Find out if your home loan was securitized by Goldman Sachs during years 2005 -2007 and thus subject to the $1.8b available for homeowners and consumers in the form of principal reduction or damages. read more
CFLA will Update any CFLA Audit Report with Updated Expert Witness Affidavit as of 2016 411 views
1/05/2016, CFLA is now offering an update on any CFLA audit report. This updated expert witness affidavit will show new current findings as of 2016. read more
CFLA Offers Mortgage Securitization Analyst Training Certification in Newark, NJ; August 28-30, 2015 485 views
7/31/2015, CFLA, Inc has created a comprehensive training certification program entitled: Mortgage Securitization Analyst "MSA"- A 24-hour in-person intensive seminar held across the country. read more
Texas Attorney Successfully Quiets Title to Real Property Using CFLA Quiet Title Package 562 views
6/17/2015, Texas attorney "quiets title to property" using CFLA Quiet Title Package in final judgement in the Harris County District Court read more
CFLA Offers Mortgage Securitization Auditor Training Certification in Brooklyn, NY April 24-26, 2015 538 views
3/25/2015, CFLA, Inc has created a comprehensive training certification program entitled: Mortgage Securitization Auditor "MSA"- A 24-hour in-person intensive seminar held across the country. read more
The Difference Between a CFLA Expert and a Private Investigator 472 views
2/23/2015, Learn the difference between hiring a CFLA Certified Mortgage Securitization Auditor or a Licensed Mortgage Compliance Investigator to prepare your securitization or forensic audit report. read more
CFLA Announces "Learn How to Perform Mortgage Securitization Audit" Jan 24-25, 2015 - San Francisco 516 views
12/29/2014, CFLA, Inc has created a comprehensive training certification program entitled: Mortgage Securitization Auditor "MSA"- A 2-Day 20 hour in-person intensive seminar held across the country. read more
Coming to Atlanta, GA ~ Dec 5-7, 2014 ~ Mortgage Securitization Auditor Certification 455 views
11/06/2014, CFLA, Inc has created a comprehensive training certification program entitled: Mortgage Securitization Auditor "MSA". read more
CFLA Announces Mortgage Securitization Auditor Training Certification in Los Angeles; Oct 24-26 538 views
9/17/2014, CFLA, Inc has created a comprehensive training certification program entitled: Mortgage Securitization Auditor "MSA". read more
CFLA Announces Mortgage Securitization Auditor Training Certification in Newark, NJ; Aug 29-31, 2014 506 views
8/18/2014, CFLA, Inc has created a comprehensive training certification program entitled: Mortgage Securitization Auditor "MSA". read more

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