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James Sandwick
Tower Point 44, North Road

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created on: 9/07/2016
Builder storm is here to offer managing the construction project software online with 30 different features like daily diary, user management, project management, timesheets and many more.

Latest Briefings:
BuilderStorm Discloses Construction Software Benefits for Small Builders 214 views
11/22/2016, Read the benefits of construction project management software for small builders. read more
Company-Wide Document Solution to Keep All Company Documents in One Place 220 views
10/10/2016, Construction-related documents can range from large designs and blueprints to small notes and receipts. Keeping all company documents in one place would be easy now. read more
On-Site Training Service for Construction Project Management Software 256 views
10/04/2016, Step towards making the construction industry more efficient. read more
Free Trial of Online Construction Project Management Software Offered By BuilderStorm 498 views
9/10/2016, Needs to be avoided while spending money on a software suite that fails to be as useful as it should be. Find here...! read more

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