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Lisa Resnick

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What do you need to know about Disc Replacement Surgery India?
Get benefits of low cost disc replacement surgery in India with best surgeons

Disc replacement surgery, 3/22/2019 - A disc is a soft tissue that rests in between the vertebras, keeping the two vertebras separate avoiding collision. When this disc gets worn out, it is surgically removed and replaced with an artificial disc. Patients who are in a lot of pain and other options are done and dusted without any results, then disc replacements surgery can offer great results.

A disc replacement surgery is needed when a patient suffers from intolerable pain and do not reduce with medications or other non-surgical treatments. Other test procedures like discography and MRI scan can further confirm the condition for evaluation.

Disc replacement surgery can be of different types. These include total disc replacement (in this procedure the entire disc is removed and replaced with an artificial disc. Disc nucleus replacement is a procedure in which the nucleus of the disc is replaced. The outer part is retained.

Patients with chronic illness of the spinal cord which has not improved with other treatment options are a good candidate for disc replacement surgery.

Patients who are within the age of 60 years have overall good health without osteoporosis and/or degenerative disease of the spinal cord can be benefited from the disc replacement surgery. Patients also need to ensure he/she is not overweight, the spinal nerve is not compressed, do not have spinal cord deformities like scoliosis.

Disc replacement surgery is a complicated procedure; hence one should try all the other non-surgical treatment options before opting a surgery. For example, three months of stretching exercise is recommended. If the pain doesn’t reduce even without prolonged use of medications, surgeons might suggest surgery for them.

Low-Cost Disc Replacement Surgery in India attracts a lot of patients from over the world because India has a lot of good orthopedics hospitals that offer fantastic treatment options that too at an affordable price.

About Dheeraj Bhojwani Consultants: Dheeraj Bhojwani Consultants is a well-known name in medical tourism in India. They are connected to a network of hospitals across the country that are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

The Consultants assist patients with all their requirements starting from acquiring a medical visa, to booking appoint at a preferred hospital, healthy meals, etc. above all, they ensure patients receive low-cost disc replacement surgery in India.

They also assist foreign travelers with airplane tickets, accommodation, vacation plans as added services.

Dheeraj Bhojwani Consultants

160/10, Bannerghatta Road, Opp. 11 M-B,

Bangalore, Karnataka, 560076


Phone No.: +91-9860-755-000

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