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Lisa Resnick

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Trust is The Heart of Success With Dr. Naresh Trehan
Dr. Naresh Trehan work tirelessly and perform successful lifesaving surgeries every day throughout the year., 7/29/2021 - Always striving to bring better heart care and cope with the ever-increasing inbound heart patients, Dr. Naresh Trehan works tirelessly and performs successful lifesaving surgeries every day throughout the year. Constantly introducing world-class heart surgical treatment methods which are affordable and speedy recovery both with less pain and complications, he additionally pioneers in MICS, or minimally invasive cardiac surgery in India.

Dr. Naresh Trehan successfully completed robotic-assisted minimally invasive coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) using the da Vinci xi surgical device, the most superior surgical robot available. He offers robotic-assisted CABG to treat patients with coronary artery disorder and is one of the quality surgeons with this capability. robotic surgery is some distance much less invasive than conventional surgical procedure, imparting patients with better outcomes, notably lowering the annoying effect and healing for patients.

“We are thrilled to provide this groundbreaking cardiovascular bypass robotic surgery to our patients,” said Dr. Naresh Trehan. “The cutting edge advancements in cardiovascular care are reworking our treatment options, further improving the quality of life for our patients. Dr. Naresh Trehan and his entire cardiovascular team continue on the forefront of cardiovascular care, ensuring that advanced, and great, affected person-centered services are effortlessly accessible to our patients.”

The robot-assisted CABG surgery, also called closed-chest heart surgical treatment, has revolutionized the way certain coronary heart operations are being performed across the country. This innovative era lets in complex cardiovascular surgeries to be carried out via smaller incisions and particular movement management, imparting patients advanced consequences in comparison to the conventional sternotomy approach.

“Robot-assisted CABG is the most recent and maximum superior minimally invasive cardiac method, improving the lives of our cardiac patients,” stated Dr. Naresh Trehan. Dr. Naresh Trehan performed the first robotic-assisted last month on Liam Miller, a 56-year-old resident of Mexico, USA. Mr. Miller suffered a heart attack. When he found out approximately the robotic alternative to standard open-heart surgical procedure

When he learned about the robotic alternative to conventional open-coronary heart surgical treatment, he was very enthusiastic. “Heart disease runs in my family. My father had a traditional bypass surgical operation in 1980 and I was envisioning that nightmare, having my sternum cut up open, followed by a very lengthy and hard restoration. The robotic surgical treatment gave me new hope and an entirely new angle on cardiac surgical operation alternatives.” similarly, this revolutionary method is presenting an opportunity treatment choice to sufferers ineligible for traditional open-coronary heart surgical procedure, pending evaluation. Some patients are not able to go through traditional open-heart surgery because of existing health issues– patients who're vulnerable to a stroke, individuals who be afflicted by peripheral vascular or renal disorder, and those with poor lung function.

India Cardiac Surgery Hospital

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