BANGKOK, Oct 12, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - The Roads & Traffic Expo Thailand launches this October in Bangkok. Over 1,000 experts from across Thailand and beyond will be in attendance at BITEC on 26- 27 October to explore the latest innovative solutions, make new connections and help advance Thailand's roads & traffic infrastructure."The Roads & Traffic Expo Thailand comes at a very opportune time," says Paul Clark, Managing Director - Asia for Terrapinn. "The Thai government has made significant commitments to advancing and developing its roads & traffic infrastructure and improving safety. This event offers key players the chance to gather at scale and walk-the-talk, ensuring Thailand can meet their ambitious targets and cement its place as a regional infrastructure leader."
Dr. Sukit Yindeesuk, Director of Structural Design Group No. 1 at Department of Highways said ahead of the show, "This expo is one of the biggest events in the transportation industry and delivers a great opportunity for industry players to share their knowledge, experience and demands."
Thailand Ministry of Transport Transport Safety Advisor, Sujin Mungnimit commented, "The road safety problem is an important issue in Thailand. Each year we suffer more than 17,000 fatalities, or 2 people per hour. The Roads & Traffic Expo Thailand is one of the best exhibitions on road safety and its related fields, and also includes seminars where many invited road safety experts can exchange their experience and share with responders. The event will improve knowledge on road safety."
The Roads & Traffic Expo Thailand will convene 60+ exhibitors, offering attendees the chance to evaluate solutions from leading players such as Kapsch, SSI, Cleanozone Traffic, FLIR Systems, QFree and more. In addition to walking the exhibition floor and browsing the products and solutions on offer, the show will also offer three free-to-attend tracks of content covering 5 themes: Road Construction, Road Safety & Monitoring, Smart Traffic, Tunnels & Bridges and Smart Cities.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Chayan Sirimas, Provincial Governor of Nakhon Sawan Province, Ministry of Interior
- Dr. Punya Chupanit, Director General, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP), Ministry of Transport of Thailand
- Sujin Mungnimit, Transport Safety Advisor, Ministry of Transport, Thailand
- Dr. Piyapong Jiwattanakulpaisarn, Director of Bureau of Planning, Department of Highways
- Thananchai Mekprasertwanich, Director of Policy & Planning Division, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
- Dr. Sakda Panwai, Managing Director, Don Muang Tollway Plc
- Passakorn Pratombutr, Senior Executive Vice President, Digital Economy Promotion Agency
- Chakree Bamrungwong, Director of Information Technology and Communication Center Acting Principal Advisor on Land Transport Economics, Department of Rural Roads
- Wittaya Jansena, Director- Disaster Road Traffic Safety Integrated Collaboration Division,
Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
- Titipat Thaijongrak, Director-Land Transport Safety Bureau, Department of Land Transport
- Athasit Sirisonthi, Vice President- Engineering Department, Sino -Thai Engineering & Construction Plc
- Nissara Thammapala, Assistant Director-Project Management Office, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
- Pol. Col. Suriyan Winijmontree, Director- Traffic & Safety Planning, Office of Police Strategy,
Royal Thai Police
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