An ensemble of prodigious character actors, whose careers are comingled with a variety of genres and awards , are set to scorch across America's tv sets, courtesy of Tru TV, on Thursday, March 28 at 10:30pm ET/PT, when the new comedy "Tacoma FD" premiere's .Three segments of the co-creators and executive producers of "Super Troopers", Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme's, fun filled riot of a comedy fest premiered last week, Wednesday March 20, at Seventh Place, 802 Mateo Street Los Angeles, CA 90021 and I give it a resounding 12 billion thumbs up! The series has all the ingredients of a major hit---swift, intelligent writing, excellent delivery, a hint of nautiness, lockerrom whit and beautiful women-----The staple of a tasty rib splitting guffaw's palette!
In addition to these fine actors is a well-groomed, slick stable of writers consisting of writer Paul Soter/ – consulting producer for Tacoma FD, JD Pardo, Nat Faxon, Will Sasso, Christopher Neiman, Kevin Pereira and Brian “Q” Quinn.
Interestingly enough, the first episode, consisted of Steve Lemme, Eugene Cordero, Marcus Henderson of "Get Out" the Golden Globe winner of 2017, and Gabriel Hogan, unfolds with Hassie Harrison's induction into the fire department, as not only its first female recruit, but also amidst her dad, Heffernan's unsettling attitude as a concerned parent for his daughter's safety, and respect among her fellow firemen. The men have to cease and desist in their talk, cursing and other behaviors, as suddenly, there is a lady in their midst. Their attempts to correct their modus operandi is hilarious.A bevy of talented working actors including Liz Jenkins, Nika Khitrova, Jamie Kaler (My Boys), Heather Mazur, Suzy Nakamura (Dr. Ken), Heather Mazur (Insecure), "Chunky's’s wife, Maria Russell (Lights Out), Jimmy Tatro (American Vandal), veteran actor, Clifton Collins Jr.of "Westworld", as additional cast members, are President of Tru Tv, Chris Linn's ace in the hole , as they will augment the main actors in upcoming 10 episodes first season.
Consequently, A free bar, roasted lemon pepper chicken, bacon wrapped dates, turkey balls skewered on stilts and an incredibly positive vibe ushered in a sweet savory chilling spot, as Tacoma FD's after party solidified the night as a great hangout, a great viewing party and an excellent laid back offering among friends and new acquaintances