Significant resource utilization by the healthcare providers and the overall economic impact of prior authorization is huge and it ranges between from $23 billion to $31 billion annually for the interactions with the health plans. Each physician takes on an estimated 15 hours weekly for completing the prior authorization workload.A Cleveland Clinic recent report suggested that there has been an additional $9 million expense in processing prior authorization. Prior authorization has a serious adverse impact on the patient-physician relationship with physicians often abandoning the medical procedure and doing what is right for the patients. In other words, providers have to deal with physician burnout as well as patient dissatisfaction due to the piling pressure of prior authorization demands.
Sunknowledge Services Inc, believes strongly that the essence of a competitive and healthy provider is to eliminate any delays with treatment and reimbursements. The company works with some of the largest providers in the country with excellent references.
At the end of the day, everyone wants sanity in their individual processes. The company addresses the challenges and has been instrumental in handling prior authorization problems for some of the healthcare providers who are giants in the industry.
An industry thought leader of the company observed “We have eliminated pain points, rectified process errors with our exclusive team of prior authorization experts. Right from initiating the PA request, following up with the physician's office, contacting the payers, updating the auth outcome, we will do it all at just $7 per hour.”
The company is already working with consistency and trust and has evolved cash flow for the biggest. It will be an interesting chapter to see how the organization approaches the changing dimensions with prior authorization regulations and addresses pain points as needed for their clients.
Media Contact:
Ronnie Hastings
AGM of Business Development at Sunknowledge
Phone: +1 646-661-7853
Website: [URL][/URL]