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PriorAuth Online
Ronnie Hastings
New York, NY

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Solving all Complex to Simple DME Prior Authorization at only $7 per hour
For more information on what are the benefits, PriorAuth Online has to offers and what changes it can bring for your DME prior authorization get in touch with the PriorAuth Online expert., 1/23/2020 - The DME market is primarily driven by mostly chronic diseases as well as mobility issues, such as kidney failures, cancer, walking disability and many more. Moreover, technological advancements along with a strong reimbursement scenario will boost the DME market further. This is why PriorAuth Online powered by Sunknowledge Services Inc has opened its door in solving complex to simple DME prior authorization problems at only $7 per hour.

Excelling in providing customized solutions for HME/ DME prior authorization, PriorAuth Online is not only the key for seamless prior authorization process but also a way to effective revenue generation.

"Working for years has not only made us aware of the problems the prior authorization process covers but also, gave us a complete understanding of how we can close all the prior authorization gaps faster and effectively. As the majority problem in the DME prior authorization center around patients not being able to receive needed medication due to incorrect information or changing insurer rules, we take the extra initiative in maintaining 99.9% accuracy rate. In fact, we ensure all our experts professional are well-read and aware of each and every new authorization rules and regulations ensuring lesser denial or rejection along with doctor's office follow-up and patients calling on our behalf", said Ronnie Hastings, director of marketing at Sunknowledge Services Inc.

Taking care of all simple to complex authorization initiation, approval and follow-up for DME prior authorization problems and other specialties authorization problems, PriorAuth Online offers complete operational transparency. With 100% guaranteed DME prior authorization submission on the same day and reducing 80% of the operational cost, PriorAuth Online has more than 100s of satisfied clients.

Being the key to successful reimbursement that every healthcare provider is looking for, PriorAuth Online helps in increasing the authorization rate by 1.5-2x.

So if you are looking for a faster, efficient and higher accuracy level operational extension for your DME prior authorization process, PriorAuth Online is the perfect one-stop destination. In fact, PriorAuth Online also has a way to provide end-to-end practice management and revenue cycle management, the modern necessities that keep the ball rolling.

For more information on what are the benefits, PriorAuth Online has to offers and what changes it can bring for your DME prior authorization get in touch with the PriorAuth Online expert.

Media Contact:

Ronnie Hastings

Director of Business Development at PriorAuth Online

Phone: +1 646-661-7853

Fax: +1 212-924-3473

Source: [FURL=][/FURL]

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