CORONA, California (April 04, 2021): As of 11:00PM PST, over 200,000 name submissions have been received for “Rename the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus”, a contest launched on March 15, 2021 by The City of Corona, California and Constellation Brands’, owner of popular beer brand Corona. New entries will continue to be accepted through April 15, 2021.“This may seem like a trivial issue to some, but with vaccines beginning to roll out across the world giving hope, we thought this was a great way to inject creativity into the practice of naming new human infectious diseases by the World Health Organization (WHO)” says Hunter Jabosian, Chief Communications Of?cer for the City of Corona. Hunter says: “We didn’t expect to see such a huge response. With one week left to gather submissions, a new petition to the WHO has been started to formally request a change to virus naming practices. Everyone should visit and submit an idea.”
“It’s been an absolutely terrible year for everyone. Many companies, especially in our industry are having a really tough time, but it’s especially dif?cult when your number one product has the same name as a virus causing a worldwide pandemic. We hope the WHO will consider our petition and think about all the Corona loving fans and those employed by our company when making their decision. Thank you to all our Corona loving customers around the globe for their support of this petition and Corona beer.” says Michael McWhirter, Executive Vice President and Chief Communications and CSR Of?cer for Constellation Brands, Inc.
“Visionwind Media is honored to be assisting the great City of Corona and much loved Corona beer brand seize this opportunity to make something positive out of this very unfortunate naming coincidence. The large response thus far further highlights the need for this type of change. We hope this contest will also help spread the World Health Organization’s best practices for naming new human infectious diseases and bring attention to the importance of virus names.” says Dana Williams, CEO at Visionwind Media, Inc. “Please visit for more details about prizes, how to suggest a name and when ?nal voting will begin.”
Everyone ages 13 and older may suggest a name. Contest prizes include a two week, all expenses paid vacation to Corona, California and a 1 year supply of Corona Beer to eligible adults.
For full contest details and information about how to suggest a name please visit:
About Visionwind Media:
A creative agency founded in 2007, Visionwind offers branding, marketing and design services to a wide range of discerning clients. Our unique creative process allows brands to grow and thrive.
About Constellation Brands:
Constellation Brands’ mission is to build brands that people love because we believe sharing a toast, unwinding after a day, celebrating milestones, and helping people connect, are Worth Reaching For. It’s what has made us one of the fastest-growing large CPG companies in the U.S. at retail, and it drives our pursuit to deliver what’s next.
About the City of Corona: Corona is located adjacent to Orange County California at the junction of the 91 and 15 freeways with a population of more than 160,000 residents. For more information regarding the City of Corona visit [FURL][/FURL]
Media Contact:
Dana Williams
Visionwind Media Inc.
(657) 522-4868