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Retired NY Police Department sergeant still seeking justice
Marchisotto said if a single judge looks at his case, that may convince the rest of the Court to join., 1/12/2023 - NEW JERSEY - For years now, a retired NYPD sergeant has looked for justice and found none in what he calls a corrupted judicial system full of judges interested only in covering each other's backs.

"I retired from the New York City Police Department. I know what justice is. I know what fair treatment is. I know what the courts are supposed to do because I was involved with them for so long. I am not getting a fair deal and I shudder to think of how many other people are also being ignored, mistreated and denied justice," said John Marchisotto. "That is a big reason why I am pursuing this case as long as I have. Someone has to expose the corruption in the system."

Mr. Marchisotto's journey started some years back after his father died. His dad's estate was taken by the estate executor and an attorney in the last few months of the senior Mr. Marchisotto's life. John launched the first of of his lawsuits to get the courts to realize how he and his children were cheated of a rightful inheritance.

"I had no idea this would blow up so badly in my face. My home was raided by New Jersey law enforcement. That terrified my kids," he said. "I was subjected to undeserved investigations. They tried to make my life a living hell in hopes I would drop the matter and just go away quietly.

His search for justice revealed the court system in New Jersey has a strong bias against people representing themselves. Self-representation is called "pro se" in Latin, which is a language attorneys use when talking about legal actions.

Every one of his attempts to get a resolution was blocked or rejected. Attorneys refused to take his case. This only made the former lawman more determined.

"The judges have shown me no respect, despite my being a retired NYPD Police Sergeant. Instead, they made up lies about me after I filed numerous federal lawsuits against them seeking Justice," he said. "New Jersey law enforcement officers supported the judges and added to the lies. If they are doing this to me, what are they doing to people who do not understand how the court system is supposed to work?"

His latest attempt to find relief is a writ of certiorari filed at the US Supreme Court. The Latin phrase means as a court to review. That's all Mr. Marchisotto is asking in this filing.

"I believe if the Supreme Court will look into this, they will see the corruption and the rot. The Court has the ability, and the authority, to straighten out the lower courts," he said.

He noted successfully petitioning the Supreme Court is something few people manage to achieve.

"Very few pro ses are successful to bringing their cases before the highest court in the land because it would be financially insane to keep having to pay an attorney to do so. That is where most people fail, continuing to pay attorneys to pursue their appeals," he said. "I am not using an attorney. I'm doing this and bearing all the expense."

The Supreme Court accepts a fraction of the petitions presented each year. Sometimes an individual judge will tatke a petition and review it without issuing a formal decision. Mr. Marchisotto said if a single judge looks at his case, that may convince the rest of the Court to join.

Read Mr. Marchisotto's appeal to the High Court at

You can also follow Supreme Court petitions at SCOTUS Blog

John F. Marchisotto

(732) 526-7732


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