Mark Tull, a celebrated travel author and freelance journalist from the United Kingdom, has recently launched a brand new travel blog which seeks to capitalise on his large fan following and provide some useful, insightful and entertaining travel articles and tips, as well as a whole host of amusing and inspiring yarns and anecdotes.The new website, named ‘Mark Tull Travel Blogger’, covers topics on a range of travel-related issues, and boasts a special emphasis on escapism and adventure.
Mark Tull said: “I am very, very excited about the launch of my new travel blog, ‘Mark Tull Travel Blogger’.
“I hope to bring together a range of like-minded adventure travel enthusiasts from all around the globe.
“As well as lubricating the decision-making process for would-be travellers, the travel blog, which will be updated once a week, will centre around how to have as much fun as possible on your travels.”
Because of its focus on community, ‘Mark Tull Travel Blogger’ is also welcoming and encouraging posts from guest bloggers. For more information about this opportunity, visit the guest blogging page of the website.
Mark Tull began his career as a junior news reporter in Luton, and, inspired by his gap-year travel adventures, went on to pursue a career in travel writing and blogging.
For more information on Mark Tull and his travel writing, as well as his career in general, visit the website at, or follow him on Google Plus or Twitter. Alternatively, to get in touch with Mark Tull, leave a message via the website’s contact form.
About Mark Tull:
Mark Tull is a freelance travel blogger, writer and journalist. After graduating from the University of East Anglia with a degree in English Literature, Mark took a year out to travel where his passion was ignited. He has since written for many major publications, including the Times and the Guardian.
For Media Contact:
Mark Tull
234 Kings Road