In its 7th year, Amor's We Care for Humanity global humanitarian awards gala succeeded in fundraising for Switzerland's Vanatu hospitals, acquiring medical equipment, solar sterilizing technology. Astonishingly enough, Striking quickly, Amor has booked the Anaheim's Convention Center, - ACC North 200 level 800 W Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802 for the upcoming 8th G.O.D Awards, with the anthem "No Poverty-Veterans Today" initiative, for September 20-21, 2019.Princess Maria Amor, CEO of We Care for Humanity (WCH) Vice President for UN Affairs, Joy Theriot, WCH Youth Director, Jo Moran, and Janavi India, are prepared to collaborate - much like their partnership with The Permanent Mission of Vanuatu, whose conduit effect culminated with assistance from Sheikh Yousef Al-Rajhi, Sheikh Mohsen Al-Turki, help from Triton Solar company's donation of a Triton Solar clean energy system, greatly aided Vanuatu's entire hospital system. In addition,The G.O.D. America and Global Expo's collaboration with Grand Aster will bring light to the plight of the homeless,as.Amor spotlights the homeless US veterans---- the focal point of America's terrible homeless situation in Anaheim California, from September 20-September 21,at ACC North 200 Level 800, W. Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802.
In addition, Mr. Smith of Maurice Dwayne Smith Productions, Amor's USA publicity manager, who has worked on various humanitarian projects for WCH for the past 10 years, will be assisting in marketing The 8th G.O.D Awards 2019, as well.
Similarly, like The G.O.D Awards in Geneva, Anaheim's rendition of this multi-faceted, entertainment/ fashion fused multi-cultural awards event, which will abound with dignitaries from around the globe, will showcase a concert, and a summit. In addition, it will also showcase a forum about aging' a multi- "Global Expo" comprised of 12 different dynamics from energy innovations; food services;fashion apparel, auto marine; sponsorships;a red carpet; dinner, cocktail receptions; an awards gala banquet; and finally, culminating with panels, and sponsorship opportunities.
Most importantly, booking exhibit sales space expires August 15th.
This extravaganza has gained in popularity and is recognized by various media outlets, including both ABC, and KTVN News who wrote articles Monday, July 22, 2019 on the event. Princess Maria Amor Torres, Founder of WCH and the Creator and Chairman of G.O.D. explained, "The goal of the G.O.D. Awards is not to glorify the humanitarian figure, but to multiply it. To flood the humanitarian world, before climate change does. To spark international agents of change for harmonious action with a collective of wisdom." She also said that a conglomeration of world leaders, royals, tycoons, investors, top corporations and industries are going to be there in Anaheim.-----100 nations, 200 exhibitors, 10,00 guests.