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Monsoon Blockchain Powers the Next Generation Cryptocurrency Ecosystem for Bitcoin Latinum
Monsoon Blockchain Powers the Next Generation Cryptocurrency Ecosystem for Bitcoin Latinum, 9/29/2021 - Monsoon Blockchain Corporation, an innovative blockchain company based in Palo Alto, California, is announcing the next generation digital cryptocurrency ecosystem for powering Bitcoin Latinum. Bitcoin Latinum is an insured, asset-backed cryptocurrency. Based on the Bitcoin ecosystem, Bitcoin Latinum is greener, faster, more secure, and poised to revolutionize digital transactions. Monsoon Blockchain serves as the prime developer of the Bitcoin Latinum network on behalf of the Bitcoin Latinum Foundation.

Bitcoin Latinum was built as an open-architecture cryptocurrency technology, capable of handling large transaction volumes, cybersecurity, and digital asset management. Monsoon Blockchain is unveiling Bitcoin Latinum's official attributes, differentiating factors, and major-use advantages, which include the following areas:

Increased Transaction Volume

Bitcoin Latinum offers a highly scalable network that will initially support up to 10,000 transactions per second and millions of transactions per day to facilitate retail transactions. Its scalable architecture allows for increases in transaction rates to meet demand. With its Proof of Stake consensus method, Bitcoin Latinum ensures the network facilitates more transactions per minute at lower transaction fees.

Reduced Cost

Bitcoin Latinum reduces the cost of traditional Bitcoin transactions from the average of multiple dollars down to only cents per transaction, with an average fee per transaction of 0.1 USD in 2021. This is achieved with a variety of mechanisms including the energy-efficient consensus protocol, approved node configuration, high-performance node interconnection, and shorter confirmation.

Faster Speed

Utilizing an efficient consensus mechanism, Bitcoin Latinum provides a much better on-chain payment network compared to Bitcoin, with an average transaction confirmation in 3-5 seconds. This immediately leads to reduced transaction size and increases the transaction volume capability.

Greener, Energy-Efficient Consensus

Bitcoin Latinum uses an advanced version of the Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism to counter the inherent problems of Proof of Work (PoW) based networks. PoS enables LTNM holders to earn rewards for holding their coins as collateral to stake on the Bitcoin Latinum network. This leads to less electricity consumption. Incumbent tokens such as Bitcoin demand up to 885+ kWh, and Ethereum 102+ kWh of energy consumption per transaction, compared to Bitcoin Latinum which reduces the amount to only 0.00015 kWh per transaction.

Insured And Asset-Backed

Unlike other existing cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin Latinum is an asset-backed cryptocurrency, and is working to be the world's largest insured digital asset. Its asset-backing is held in a fund model, so the base asset value increases over time. It accelerates this asset-backed fund growth by depositing 80% of the transaction fee back into the asset fund that backs the currency. Thus, the more Bitcoin Latinum is adopted the faster its asset funds grow, creating a self-inflating currency.

Community Governed

Bitcoin Latinum uses a representative government model to achieve democracy in its ecosystem. This is done by allowing community members to participate in the governance mechanism of the protocol via the staking model. The goal is to protect Bitcoin Latinum from 51% of attacks that often expose potential crippling flaws in many existing protocols.

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