From poverty alleviation to COVID-19 response work, Jicheng Lyu has been, is, and will continue to be on the front lines of serving communities. Nominated for the 2020 China Philanthropy Award, he leads a team of 300 staff and volunteers. Above all, Lyu believes in individuals making a difference.Jicheng Lyu opens on his lifetime of service, saying: "I have always believed that local and grassroots organizations are the catalyst to change."
Following this belief, he started the SINIC Foundation. "The SINIC initiative supports over 400 civil society organizations with over 1.49 million dollars of funding to carry out poverty alleviation projects in 516 villages and for 74,334 impoverished households."
His continuous work in supporting villages and individuals has raised awareness and money. The recognition gained and donations have aided the continuation of service work, exponentially.
In fact, because of his work towards starting the SINIC Foundation and the good it has resulted in, Lyu and his team are now candidates for the 2020 China Philanthropy Award. This recognition is the most prestigious for social responsibility and accountability.
Going deeper into what Jicheng Lyu and his team accomplished that led to the Philanthropy Award nomination, the journey includes aid for different branches of relief. COVID-19 assistance, Save the Children project management and Johnson & Johnson service all highlight the road to Lyu's philanthropy success.
The beginning of 2020 marked the start of a very stressful year in China. Hardship and distress were around every corner due to COVID-19. Many individuals did not know what to do. Fortunately, Jicheng Lyu knew he had to step up and provide help in every way he knew how.
This led to the "Promotion for Public Welfare," a project that delivered meals and supplies to doctors and nurses in Wuhan. Between January and April of 2020, over 137,000 supplies were delivered to 6 different hospitals.
When asked about the supplies being delivered to members of the Jiangxi medical team, Jicheng Lyu responded: "The medical team lacked daily necessities, so we provided them with those basic daily necessities such as paper, soap, hangers, and washbasins."
Hospitals in Wuhan were grateful that they had the essentials that were previously unavailable to them until Lyu assisted. This is only the latest of what Jicheng Lyu has accomplished as a practitioner of philanthropy.
Jicheng Lyu ran a forum with Save the Children that was considered "vocational education" and funded by Accenture. Migrant youth empowerment was emphasized, with workshops that taught skills and encouraged large companies to provide jobs.
As he describes, "in these workshops, migrant youth commented on policies and expressed what they needed in employment procedure. This became the input of topics discussed in the forum." This beneficially impacted both marginalized people and companies who attended the workshops.
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