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Lisa Resnick

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India Helps to Restore Vision to Retinitis Pigmentosa patients at affordable price
India organ transplant offer free online consultations, doctors’ appointments, visa assistance, accommodation based on patients’ budget, interpreter service, and many other essentials help to overseas patients., 10/31/2019 - Delhi: India Organ Transplant has conducted a seminar in Iran on the Retinitis Pigmentosa and related treatment procedure available in India. A number of top ophthalmologists and eye surgeons have participated in the seminar explaining all facts related to Retinitis Pigmentosa. The ophthalmologist explained that it is a genetic disorder that involves breakdown and loss of cells in the retina. As a result, the retina gets damaged that eventually leads to the loss in eyesight.

The doctors also explained that the gradual progress of the disease can be controlled by some treatment measures; such as:

• Vitamin A Palmitate: A high dose of Vitamin A can help to slow down the progression of the disease

• Retinal Implant: In the case of the final stage of retinitis pigmentosa, only retinal implant surgery can restore the vision

• Sunglasses: A sunglass can help the patient with Retinitis Pigmentosa in seeing and also helps to avoid further damage to the retina by avoiding the harmful ultraviolet ray of the sun.

• Acetazolamide: This medication can help to reduce swelling and improve the vision.

• Stem Cell Therapy: This is one of the latest procedure that can help to gain a lot of support and friction; it is used to preserve and restore the vision

India can a good option for middle-east patients suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa to regain vision. The country has achieved fame for being one of the best places to undergo vision restoration surgeries. The medical facilities available for Retinitis Pigmentisa in India have seen extreme improvements and the advancements in the technology place it in the position to offer world-class retina transplant and stem cell therapy to patients around the world. The hospitals in India are equipped with the best instruments required to deal with any form of the disorder. All of the advanced treatment facilities that can be obtained in western nations are also available in India and anyone can get this Low-Cost Retinitis Pigmentosa in India with the help of India organ transplant.

About India Organ Transplant: The organization proficiently merges with the best surgeons and best hospitals in India with a view to provide a complete spectrum of medical treatment facilities with warm hospitality services at the most affordable prices. They offer free online consultations, doctors’ appointments, visa assistance, accommodation based on patients’ budget, interpreter service, and many other essentials help to overseas patients.

India Organ Transplant

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