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Hyde Hr Law
Hyde HR Law
(146) 841-0001
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Hyde HR Law Helps Business HR Departments in Handling Contentious Human Resource Matters
Toronto, ON – April 25, 2024 – A common mistake that most employers make is when they believe that all their employment issues can be handled by their human resource., 5/08/2024 - Toronto, ON – April 25, 2024 – A common mistake that most employers make is when they believe that all their employment issues can be handled by their human resource staff as long as they are well-averse with the Ontario Employment Standards Act. The truth is that having the know-how of the Act is not enough, as employment law is usually full of hidden traps that a human resource officer won't find in the Act. At Hyde HR Law, they have human resource attorneys who are well experienced to assist a company's HR department in navigating the complexities of the employment law, as a result making up a quantifiable difference as compared to when a company relies solely on human resource professionals.

Answering a query, the company spokesperson said, "It is sometimes necessary for employers to address unlawful solicitation of clients in courts by seeking an injunction or using for damages. An injunction is effectively a restraining order whereby a court orders someone not to do something. However, it is important to note that such injunctions are difficult to get because an employer must generally prove that they will suffer irreparable harm without an injunction."

Typically, the assistance that the human resource employment lawyer at Hyde HR Law offers extends beyond handling just the contentious matters of a company, like employee terminations and discipline. They also help set up preventive measures by ensuring a client's business contracts, policies, and procedures do not expose them to any future liability. This includes assistance in setting up pensions, benefits, and disability matters, independent contractor agreements, workplace policy drafting, employment contract drafting, and more. On issues like bullying, harassment, and discrimination, the attorneys can help a client's business prepare and deliver workplace training to employees to address such matters.

The company spokesperson added, "Nonetheless, injunctions can be an incredibly valuable tool to address unlawful solicitation by a former employee. Further, where an employer has lost clients, contracts, or suffered other losses due to a former employee unlawfully soliciting their clients, the employer can be entitled to sue the employee for damages equal to the loss they suffered. For more insights, clients can contact us."

With decades of experience practising employment law, the attorneys at Hyde HR Law have seen countless workplace issues that have arisen in numerous different contexts. As a result, this has given the law firm the experience they need to guide clients' businesses through the most treacherous areas of human resource law, including workplace investigations. They have also defended countless claims of all varieties on behalf of their employer clients. So, by reaching out to the law firm's employment lawyer in Toronto for assistance, clients are assured of benefiting from the law firm's years of experience in handling human resource matters.

About Hyde HR Law

Hyde HR Law is one of the top employment law firms in Ontario that was founded by attorney John Hyde. The attorney is well-versed in employment law and has previous experience working as a managing partner of Canada's best-known employment law firm. In fact, the attorney is one of the only 23 lawyers in Canada who have been certified by the Law Society as a Specialist in Labour Law. Thus, with his guidance at the law firm, clients should expect their employm

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