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Historic Records Uncover Founding of Oldest Marine Veteran Association in Texas
Marine Corps League Re-numbers McLemore Marines Detachment #4, 9/11/2023 - (Houston, Texas) – The Marine Veterans Association was founded on November 10, 1922, as chartered by 75th U.S. Congress and was later renamed the Marine Corps League (MCL). It was recently discovered through a vigorous historical records review that the local McLemore Detachment #324 based in Houston, Texas had lost its numbering and place of recognition over time as being among the first four detachments established in New York in 1924, the first being New York City's Detachment #1.

“The renumbering of the McLemore Detachment to #4 from #324 is a significant honor for the State of Texas and recognition for the United States Marine Corps and the Marine veteran community,” said Patrick Murray, Commandant for the Department of Texas Marine Corps League.

Audio news brief: (Sound Cloud 1:38 min.)

Two other founding detachments #2 and #3 had been disbanded due to attrition, leaving the McLemore Marines cadre named after decorated Marine Colonel Albert Sydney McLemore, among the first and oldest in the nation. As part of the records discovery, the original McLemore Marines tapestry with symbol art, was also found and features aged and worn colorful embroidery work that the organization plans to bring back to life for active use. The tradition of tapestry may be traced to the French General Napoleon in recognition of his finest units who fought historic battles. In the Marines, battle colors are a symbol of heritage and valor in battle.

Warren Griffin, National Commandant of the Marine Corps League said, “We are proud to recognize one of our longest standing Marine Corps League founding detachments.”

The State of Texas Marine Corps League will be organizing a recognition and formal ceremony at their state convention on October 7th to officially renumber the historic detachment which has served our community for so long.

Department of Texas Senior Vice Commandant Tony Poletti said, “The McLemore Detachment remains a valid testament for Marine Corps League, remaining in good standing since its original charter. Verification could not have been accomplished without the hard work provided by numerous individuals who searched for and collected evidence that allowed me to write the documents to support and prove the historical span.”

Mission of the Marine Corps League:

The mission of the Marine Corps League is to promote the interest and to preserve traditions of the United States Marine Corps; strengthen the fraternity of Marines and their families; serve Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and FMF Chaplains who wear or who have worn the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor; and foster the ideals of Americanism and patriotic volunteerism.

For more information on the McLemore Detachment #4, please visit:


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