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Dr. Naresh Biyani Pediatric neurosurgeon Bombay Hospital
Dr. Naresh Biyani
Dr. Naresh Biyani: Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre 12, Vitthaldas Thackersey Marg,
Near to Liberty Cinema, New Marine Lines, Marine Lines, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020

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Get Less Invasive Treatment Solutions for Hydrocephalus with Dr. Naresh Biyani
Dr. Naresh Biyani offers the latest, most up-to-date treatments for hydrocephalus, including proven minimally invasive procedures that can be performed in a doctor's office, using only local anesthesia.

Dr. Naresh Biyani, 3/21/2022 - Hydrocephalus — a condition in which an abnormal amount of fluid accumulates within the brain — is a common trouble in pediatric surgery. It’s been a challenge for as long as physicians inclusive of Dr. Naresh Biyani pediatric neurosurgeon Bombay Hospital have treated children with neurological illnesses.

This is one of the first clues. There is a well-described, frequent growth curve for the improvement of a child’s head from the age of birth to five years of age. But if the kid’s head size will increase hastily, medical doctors usually suspect that there’s an underlying purpose: be it hydrocephalus, bleeding, or a tumor. Dr. Naresh Biyani India, says his facility has made step forward strides in offering much less invasive — and more a successful — treatments for hydrocephalus than ever before.

“Parents are always concerned seeing their baby’s fontanelle bulging even after drowsing quietly. Is that normal?’ and that clearly is not normal. From time to time the scalp veins are bulgy, that is any other sign of hydrocephalus,” according to Dr. Naresh Biyani pediatric neurosurgeon Bombay Hospital . “In the early newborn phase, if parents notice that the head is developing rapidly or the kid has bulging of the fontanelle and veins, after which they start having trouble in looking upwards that's what is known as a ‘sunset’ signal. If the kid is not able to look upwards because of the stress on the brain, parents need to look for medical attention.”

“As this is going on,” Dr. Naresh Biyani India says, “there's innovative compression at the brain, and that turns into a supply of neurological injury. About 70- to 80-percentage of brain growth occurs in the first two years of life.”

The treatment of hydrocephalus, for the closing 50 years, has been to place a shunt tubing from the hollow space of the brain into the abdominal space. But the shunt has a high risk of breaking down, getting blocked, and risk infections. Over the past decade, Dr. Naresh Biyani pediatric neurosurgeon Bombay Hospital’s undisputed leader in imparting care of children with brain anomalies — have worked on an alternative, endoscopic technique of treatment.

“And in case you place the shunt in a two - or three-month-old, the possibilities of revising it the first year is sort of 60 percent,” Dr. Naresh Biyani India says. “The shunt is a permanent technique of diverting fluid, and the children ought to be under steady supervision. Or even if the shunt is operating, there can be other risks related to it, just due to the fact the shunt has a tendency to empty more fluid than it needs to. However there has been never an opportunity … until now.

Dr. Naresh Biyani: Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre

12, Vitthaldas Thackersey Marg,

Near to Liberty Cinema, New Marine Lines,

Marine Lines, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020

Phone No.: +91-9325887033

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