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Lisa Resnick

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Everything You Should Know Before Undergoing Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery
India Laparoscopy Surgery Site provide advanced laparoscopic gallbladder surgery in India at Best hospitals. Cholecystectomy Surgery is a procedure to remove gallbalder., 7/23/2019 - Gallbladder is located on the right side of the human body under the liver. It is a small pear shape sac-like structure, it functions to store bile juice (a fluid secreted by liver) and to digest food with high fat concentration. Elevated levels of cholesterol in your bile can cause gallstones, these are solid particles that form from bile cholesterol and bilirubin in the gallbladder. These solid particles may block your bile duct and this could lead you towards a lot of pain.

Though there are a lot of different modes of treatment, the mostly opted one is laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy) removes the gallbladder and gallstones through several small cuts (incisions) in the abdomen. The procedure will starts with intraoperative cholangiography, it’s a special x-ray for the procedure showing the anatomy of bile ducts.

You will be under general anesthesia, which will last around 2hours. The laparoscopy specialists will inflates your abdomen with air or carbon dioxide in order to see clearly and a lighted scope attached to a video camera will be inserted near your belly button. Locating the direction of the stones, it is removed and after the surgery bile will flow from the liver through the common bile duct and into the small intestine. In case if the bile is removed completely, your body can no longer store bile between the meals which has little or no effect on your digestion. Certain questions that are usually asked by the patients are as follows:

1. What should I expect?

You may need to stay for a day or two after the surgery. In the first two weeks you might have a little discomfort and this will eventually ease off. Patient needs no special diet or precautions after the surgery.

2. How Well Laparoscopy Surgery Works?

The Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery in India is not only safe and effective but also the possibility of recurrence of gall stone decreases in the future.

3. What are the Risk Associated with the Procedure?

Though the overall risk of the procedure is very low but conditions like Infection of an incision, Internal bleeding, Injury to the common bile duct or small intestine by one of the instruments, bile leaking may occur.

India is known for its advancement in medical sector and the affordable cost treatment. Development in the medical sector has helped India laparoscopy surgery consultants to help patients across the globe by providing free consultation and to follow a new era of advance medicine and high surgery success rates.

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