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Rupal Hospital for women

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Epidural Analgesia for painless labor
The technique of painless delivery called as Epidural Analgesia or Epidural Anesthesia is a popular technique used by women,if advised by the doctor,during labor. It gives relief from unbearable labor pain during deliveries., 12/19/2014 - All mothers who are on the verge of motherhood have one common fear. The fear is of acute labor pain during the time of childbirth. The quantum of pain varies from one mother to another mother. Some has very less labor pain and the pregnancy is easy and many have long delayed labor pain.

Labor pain is severe for most women who do not receive pain relief. With advent of modern medicine and availability of techniques with skilled practitioners, it is now possible to relieve the pain of labor. Management of pain is the most crucial thing in the delivery of baby and painless delivery techniques are providing respite from excessive pain, be it in normal deliveries or caesarean (that need operations). The technique of painless delivery called as Epidural Analgesia or Epidural Anesthesia is a popular technique used by women, if advised by the doctor, during labor. The technique is not only cost-effective, but also gives relief from unbearable labor pain during deliveries. Such deliveries have registered 6-7% rise in the past two-three years.

It is estimated that out of every 25 deliveries, there are around 8-10 painless deliveries. In fact most of those going for it are educated and come from well-off families. As threshold to bear labor pain among women has reduced, they prefer to go for epidural anesthesia. Most of patients come to us after knowing about it from friends and relatives. With women postponing motherhood till late thirties and conditions like obesity and hypertension, chances for normal delivery become less. As one grows old, threshold to bear pain also reduces but epidural anesthesia increases chances of having normal deliveries, doctors say. With women postponing motherhood till late thirties, with conditions like obesity, diabetics and hypertension becoming common, chances for normal delivery were becoming less.

Seeking pain relief methods for child birth is mother’s choice. This is discussed beforehand only with the doctor in charge of delivery at the clinic. Moreover, a well informed patient is usually more cooperative and adaptive during labor and delivery. Hence, prenatal pain-relief education should work and mutually benefit parties, the patients as well as the care providers. Not every woman needs an epidural and not every woman wants an epidural. But women who are interested shouldn't wait.We suggest Rupal Hospital for Women in Surat is a one stop place for all Gynaec and Obstetrics problems and our expertise lies in providing affordable Laparoscopic surgeries and difficult cases of infertility. They are renowned for its comprehensive services under one roof for all your Obstetric need like Painless Normal Deliveries and Caesarean Deliveries and Post natal care and advice. They have one of the best facilities of painless delivery using epidural analgesia in Surat. For the backup, they have the most sophisticated sonography machines at our disposal.

You can contact the team of Top Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors in Surat at or call on +91-261-2599128-9 or at

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