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Openwave Computing LLC
Sam Ward
1220 Broadway, Suite #703, New York

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Drupal 8 Upcoming Features- Something For Everyone
The upcoming release of the world’s leading open source web content management platform, Drupal 8.0 is expected to comprise more than 200 new features and improvements., 5/26/2014 - Its modern OOP approach with a simpler and more unified entity and field API, unified configuration system, easy accessible interface, and latest front-end libraries.

No wonder, why Ecommerce Website Development Companies are looking forward to this new version. There is something for everyone to love in Drupal 8. Let’s have a look at a few of them.

Drupal 8 Introduces New Techniques Of Customization Of Data Listing And Structure.

• Despite the fact that adaptable and customizable are major features of any Content Management System, Drupal 8 improves mark-up, accessibility and built in web services.

• Themes built in Drupal 8 are now based on HTML5 so that every element and classes are perfectly simplified to support accessibility to incorporation of WAI-ARIA standards.

• Give us a common mechanism for defining, storing and retrieving field definitions.

• The WYSIWYG editor and in-place editing lets you create/ format content on the fly

• The core system relies on a standard Entity API i.e. more robust- more critical- more consistent.

• Last but not least, since Drupal is arranged into object oriented design pattern, those familiar with other type of programming can enjoy working on this.

Besides, there are some major changes in core module:

• CKeditor comes with Drupal 8. Even though it is disables in its default setting, developers are cheering to see the editors include within core.

• Picture module is one of many modules that have HTML 5 and responsive design. This helps to resize images for different sizes, new format, email, telephone, date, link, etc.

Drupal 7 is not as ready for mobile as I would like it to be in point of designer and developer. But the coming version is expected to be the hint of technology marvel.

For hiring Drupal Developers, call to (212)209-1537 | Email @ | Visit @

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