The software [URL=] CompTIA A+ Lab simulator[/URL] comes with several ready made labs and provides hands-on experience for candidates intending to prepare for A+ certification.Several lab exercises are made available with the lab simulator.The important features of the LabSim are given below:
1. Lab exercises -currently 50+ labs are included.
2. Demo version is limited to a fewer labs, and up to global configuration mode is supported in demo
3. Detailed Lab Manual provided.
4. Detailed help files that provide step by step instructions on using the simulator have been provided.
The Complete list of labs is available with the Labs Manual of the downloaded software.Example labs
are made available in the [URL=]A+ Lab Simulator Exercises[/URL].
You may Download the [URL=] CompTIA A+ Lab simulator Software[/URL] Completely updated to include several new commands and lab exercises.