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Phillip Fleck

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Churches Can't Authorize Shot; Bible Is Basis Of Exemption: MD
We shouldn't take a drug that interferes with healing,” says Ruhling, adding that “the body is designed for self-healing., 9/23/2021 - Some churches deny shot exemption; but the Bible warns that pharmakeia (Greek word, Rev 18:23) “deceives all nations”--it's symptomatic relief while not addressing underling causes, says Richard Ruhling, MD.

“Health is the result of avoiding animal-born diseases, clean air, water, hands and food while avoiding poisonous drugs of pharma,” says Ruhling who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University, citing Drill's Textbook of Pharmacology: “Drug action always represents artificial interference with the natural functioning of the organism...every drug is by definition a poison. The art of medicine is to use these poisons beneficially.”

“We shouldn't take a drug that interferes with healing,” says Ruhling, adding that “the body is designed for self-healing. Cuts, burns and broken bones mend. We need to understand and help the healing process.”

Robert Kennedy, Jr. won several lawsuits against vaccinations and he says Trump offered him a job until pharma gave $1M for Trump's inaugural ball and Kennedy was out. Marcia Angell, MD, former med editor wrote The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us. “They don't do long-term studies--they don't want to know the long term results,” said Mervyn Hardinge, MD, PhD, LLU.

“Medical texts are filled with disease of “unknown etiology,” and if they don't know the cause, how can the drug be the cure? asks Ruhling, noting that the Physician's Desk Reference is 3500 pages of fine print on drug interactions, adverse effects and contraindications—it's no wonder that the vaccine animal studies failed. NIH warned about Antibody Dependent Enhancement that killed research animals and we are the lab rats as gov pushes a experiment with poorly reported adverse events,” claims Ruhling.

Thousands have died; hundreds of thousands have had serious adverse events reported by VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) but it doesn't fit the news script for pushing the shot says Ruhling.

Israel is a great example with 85-95% of people in Intensive Care who are fully vaccinated, with adverse reactions blamed on a delta variant the CPR test cannot detect or discriminate vs common flu (Ruhling)

“The Bible links the pool of Bethesda with mythology: “A great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waited for the moving of the water.” John 5. But Bethesda Maryland is where National Institutes of Health pools tax dollars to fund drug research, resulting in “a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered,” waiting for a drug cure. The Bible is a good basis for exemption from pharmakeia as it instructs us on best foods,” says Ruhling.

“Asked about the end-times, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel--Daniel opted out of government healthcare in Daniel 1”—Ruhling says Daniel's diet is explained in this video,

Readers can get the video's full dvd and a book by Ruhling for a donation—click the dvd tab on his website,

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