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Lisa Resnick

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Best Spine Surgery Hospital India Utilizes ProDisc a Total Disc Replacement
Back pain is a leading cause for doctor visits, with approximately 80% of population experiencing episodes of acute low back pain requiring medical attention at least once in their lives.

Spine Surgery Hospital, 11/16/2021 - Even as most of the people of those patients improve with traditional care, a tremendous range turns out to be chronically debilitated and require surgical intervention. Traditionally, those sufferers have frequently been handled via spinal fusion which became intended to relieve pain by means of removing movement at the diseased vertebral segment, but it can create spinal imbalance, alter the biomechanics of the spine, and increase stresses and motion in adjacent vertebral segments that may accelerate further degeneration.

A brand new technology platform that gives a surgical opportunity to spinal fusion through permitting the capability for movement on the diseased spinal section is ProDisc a complete disc alternative (TDR) that is low spine surgery cost India. Spine surgeon at best spine surgery hospital India says, “That preserving motion within a diseased vertebral segment can enable the spine to restore its balance and uphold more natural mechanics, which can reduce degeneration in adjoining vertebral segments in the backbone.”

The ProDisc-L Total Disc Replacement at best spine surgery hospital India offers surgeons a demonstrated opportunity to fusion surgical treatment. It enables patients affordable spine surgery cost India to have a normal spinal range of motion by responding to the patients’ movements. The concave surface on top endplate rotates across the ball within the bottom endplate, permitting spinal motion.

The prodisc L implant has been designed to preserve the physiological range of motion within the backbone. The implant was developed using the clinically confirmed ball and socket concept utilized in joint replacement implants for over forty years.

"Patients with -level prodisc L disc replacements have done remarkably well in long-term follow-up," Spine surgeon at best spine surgery hospital India stated. He continued, "We began two-level prodisc L implantations in January 2002 at spine surgeon at best spine surgery hospital India as an enrolling site in the FDA study. I’ve now seen more than one two-level disc alternative sufferers with over 15-year follow-up who're nevertheless overjoyed with their clinical outcomes—and have no longer needed extra surgical procedure this is commonly required after preliminary fusion surgical treatment. Sufferers with two-degree disc substitute are amongst my most grateful patients."

"The durability of the prodisc technology is because of the design principles of a strong bone interface which make spine surgery cost India low-cost , a constant mechanism of motion enabling guided motion, and instrumentation that allows efficient and dependable implantation," medical professional at best spine surgery hospital India concluded.

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