Benny Tjandra's, preparations for the premiere, March 11, 2017 of "SYNDICATE SMASHER"-STARRING MEL NOVAK- and world wide launch at Downtown Independent, 251 S Main street, Los Angeles CA 90012, includes a REDCARPET at 6:30 PM, in which the first screening is at 7:30 PM, followed by another at 9:30 PM. Mr. Tjandra , recently on the Nuclear Popcorn show, which beams out of Pasadena Media, Pasadena CA, last Thanksgiving said, "This film has the most guns, the most shots, and the most gangsters in one movie fighting and shooting each other EVER! I have so much faith in this film that I put 1 million of my own money into it."
"This is my third film", said the Indonesian native, and this New Generasian film shoot-em-up-fest's trajectory is slated for global distribution.
"I winl", says Novak chuckling------that is, defeating The Chinese Triad, The Mafia, the Italians, The Russians, The Japanese all in one movie!!
Based loosely on real events, and buttressed by unbelievable special effects, Tjandra, the film's co-writer, Doug Touchioka, and Novak agreed that the cast and crew were diva less and staunchly driven by a collective desire, including the entire cast and crew to excellence and cohesiveness.
Mel Novak , whose career has spanned over 30 years, has been in hundreds of films and in this film, cupid has finally locked him down via a love scene---his first ever---and the martial artist blushed giggling saying, "Yeah Benny was good to me and gave me a love scene. I have had about 32 starring and co-starring roles and this is the first love scene." I have fought the likes of legendary martial artist and screen legend; Bruce Lee in his epic, "Game of Death" and Chuck Norris and the great, late Jim Kelley.
Mel Novak, is an ordained minister, in addition to being a highly sought after action actor. His ministry is called, "SOUL-DIER FOR CHRIST"(Skid Row Ministry behind enemy lines.
Benny Tjandra, and Mel Novak's interview, regarding Syndicate Smasher, can be seen on "Nuclear Popcorn", on The Arroyo Channel 32 at Pasadena Media and AT &T's Uverse Channnel 99.