FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWales, UK - Bamboo Removal & Control Methods Discussed by South Wales Knotweed Removal Experts
Bamboo has been steadily growing in popularity for some UK homeowners in the last 10 years, however, unknown to many it is a vigorous and fast-growing plant that is very difficult to contain and control.
Bamboo is known and often loved for its decorative appearance and in some cases its fast growth to provide privacy in an overlooked garden. However, you should be very wary of planting it or taking on a property where it is present as it is now known that some types of bamboo are highly invasive and extremely difficult to control.
The UK Invasive Weed Control Industry is being called on more and more to remove and control bamboo where it has been planted at a property without knowing how it will likely take over, or where it has spread from a neighbouring garden.
The UK Weed Industry has said that invasive bamboo is becoming a major problem for British homeowners who may not have realised its growth speed and its invasiveness if not effectively controlled. In some cases, the 'running' bamboo varieties can extend up to 30ft underground as well as its extensive above-ground growth.
There are over 100 species of bamboo on the planet, with in excess of 30 or so varying species commonly found within the UK.
However, there are 2 types of rhizome (roots), ‘runners’ – those which will ‘run’ (meaning, spread laterally). Running bamboo can spread into neighbouring properties and therefore can be the most problematic. The second type is “clumping” bamboo or ‘clumpers’ (those which will continue to grow, yet won’t colonise as much soil as the running species).
We have experience in removing and controlling both types.
The bamboo rhizomes aren’t as brittle as their Japanese Knotweed equivalent and can be a challenge to remove. A simple explanation would be, that once a bamboo rhizome has established itself within the soil or amongst a solid structure, removing it, is akin to attempting to remove a rope, from a solid slab of concrete.
Fortunately, there are solutions. Whilst each infestation will have its own challenges, providing an excavator can be used to remove the majority of the rhizome, we can help.
We can also install a suitable ‘root barrier’ which would prevent the rhizome from continuing to spread into neighbouring properties, say for example if you would prefer some of the infestation to remain in-situ. There is usually a viable solution.
If excavating the bamboo requires concrete walls, patios, footpaths etc. to be temporarily moved or removed we can move or reconstruct whatever structure is required.
Contact us today on 01269 591651 and we will answer any questions you may have and can arrange a free, no obligation site survey.