Asun Muwardi’s multi-award winning “66 The Movie” –a martial arts Smorgasbord, will be released in Malaysia and Indonesia on November 17, 2016. Its trajectory is fueld by great writing, award winning fighting choreography and a cast that has snatched almost every award world wide that there is to acquire.
“I like this character’, explained Producer/actor Asun Mawardi, ‘ that I am playing in the movie because he has flaws. You see he is known as “66”, and he tried to leave the gangster life behind him but having reneged on a job to kill and running with the money, has him on the run. As a result the crime life is now chasing him. We tried to do this film from many , many angles so that we could minimize the filming costs but yet still have an impactful and entertaining film. By using the Wushu fighting style but changing the forms of martial arts to suit individual characters styles, I believe we came up with a film that will get great viewership. My first film, “Mortal Enemy”, which in Asia was called “Pirate brothers”, was picked up by Lions Gate and we hope that this one will get picked up as well. Yeah, I hope people like it, as I invited a lot of agents and distributors.This is my first film lead acting, directing and producing and I am so excited!!”
Consequently, Judging by the response at the film’s premiere at Los Angeles CA’s Downtown Independent, October 2016, this film will be hungrily devoured. In my opinion, the action film genre is making a strong comeback, and Mr. Asun Mawardi is leading the charge——-66 THE MOVIE ROCKS!!