“ We’re going to be rockin and rolling” , gushed award winning actress and musician Natasha Blasick, “ and me and my husband’s band The Snowflakes, are going to let snow fall on everyone by performing The National Anthem at the dual sponsored Chinese American Political Action Committee and Asian American Advisory Alliances’ San Gabriel Mission Playhouse “2021 THANKS U.S.A CELEBRATION, honoring Covid-19 Frontline Heroes and Veterans. There’s going to be music, entertainment and fun at this event and the best part of it, as far as families are concerned it’s free, with free parking, “The THANKS U.S.A CELEBRATION, is just one of the latest of thousand of incredible events which have been held at this venue. San Gabriel Mission Playhouse, in existence since 1927, is located at 320 South Mission Drive, San Gabriel, CA 91776. Through the years movies have been shot here, and most importantly the venue has been an especially rich location for community events, plays, musicals, graduations, and a plethora of other incredible interests, rich in culture, have found a home here.
Interestingly enough, The SnowFlakes, a rocking powerhouse group, spearheaded by Natasha and Martin Blasick, will not only perform on the 26th at this richly we’ll deserved giving back event , but also, this dynamic duo are set to appear in a new movie, alongside and featuring legendary superstar multiple Platinum award winner, Snoop Dogg, named “Blood Pageant Contestant.
In addition, Martin Blasick has been booked to compose music for the film while his multiple award winning actress wife, Natasha, fresh off a film which featured the last role of the late legendary singer/actress , Helen Reddy——immortalized in her 70’s monster smash hit, “I Am Woman”—- “ Senior Entourage”, though a skilled bassist, will sing. The festivities begin at 10:30 AM.