[URL=https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/320-easa-airworthiness-review-staff-development-package/preview]EASA Airworthiness Review Staff – Development Package[/URL]consisting of 4 online courses for only 235 EUR
[URL=https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/320-easa-airworthiness-review-staff-development-package/preview]Enrol here[/URL]
About the Package:
[URL=https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/320-easa-airworthiness-review-staff-development-package/preview]EASA Airworthiness Review Staff – Development Package[/URL]
This package provides ARC Staff with a fundamental review of the Subpart I ARC Process together with associated continuing airworthiness aspects related to ARC assessments. It consists of the following 4 courses:
[URL=https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/299-part-m-subpart-i-for-airworthiness-review-staff-initial]Part M Subpart I for Airworthiness Review Staff (Initial)[/URL]
The purpose of this course is to cover all elements of the Airworthiness Review Process including the roles and responsibilities of the nominated ARC Staff. The Delegates will achieve a detailed understanding of EASA part M regulations relating to C of A’s and ARCs.
[URL=https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/84-easa-part-21-review-for-camo-staff]EASA Part 21 Review for CAMO Staff[/URL]
This intensive course considers the roles and responsibilities of the PART M CAMO and the interfaces with PART 21 Subpart G Production Organizations and Part 21 Subpart J Design Organizations.
[URL=https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/290-amc-20-20-continuing-structural-integrity-programme]AMC 20-20 Continuing Structural Integrity Programme[/URL]
This training provides an overview of Aircraft Maintenance Program obligations related to Continuing Structural Integrity Programme including Functional Elements and techniques to deliver effective oversight.
[URL=https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/318-assessing-the-effectiveness-of-an-easa-compliant-aircraft-maintenance-program-amp]Assessing the Effectiveness of an EASA Compliant Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP)[/URL]
The course is delivered in a stimulating and dynamic environment, with a heavy focus on the practical aspects of an effective and efficient Maintenance Planning Process.
Normal Price for the 4 courses, when undertaken individually, is 375 EUR
Take them as a package for the competitive price of 235 EUR / Delegate
How to Register?
Visit the [URL=https://sofemaonline.com/lms/courses/320-easa-airworthiness-review-staff-development-package/preview]EASA Airworthiness Review Staff – Development Package[/URL] page and register with PayPal or email [URL=mailto:team@sassofia.com]team@sassofia.com[/URL] for further details or group enrolments.