FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECardiff, UK - Hayvenhursts Accountants have compiled the most relevant news stories relating to accounting and business that were published in July 2021 including how people working from home during the pandemic can claim tax relief from HMRC
Reopening Plans – The Government are urged to provide more clarity
The government confirmed the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions will end in England on 19th July 2021 and following the announcement they have been urged to provide more clarity and further guidance.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he expects the final stage of England’s COVID-19 lockdown roadmap to go ahead on 19th July.
It will see the end of legal requirements regarding face masks and social distancing and also includes the working from home guidance for businesses.
Business groups have welcomed the announcement but said questions remain.
Business groups in the UK have said their members have welcomed the official reopening and it brings around much relief alongside some uncertainty and they asked the government to do more.
Claire Walker, Co-Executive Director of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: ‘Business leaders aren’t public health experts and cannot be expected to know how best to operate when confusing and sometimes contradictory advice is coming from official sources.
‘Without clear guidance, there could be real uncertainty on how companies should operate from 19th July and what they should be doing to keep staff and customers safe.’
Mike Cherry, National Chair of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), said: ‘We want all small businesses and their customers to feel safe in how they shop and operate, and this includes allowing small businesses the space to make the right decisions about their premises.
‘I cannot allow removing legal guidance to create a free for all, with any voluntary guidance ignored, which is why it is vital that clarity around the new state of play is given immediately.’
Derek Cribb, CEO of the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE), said: ‘The full reopening of the economy is very welcome, but because of the gaps in support and sheer damage to self-employment, this must not be the end of government’s involvement.’
Home Workers Claim Tax Relief
HMRC has confirmed that around 800,000 employees in the UK who have been working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic have claimed tax relief on their household related costs.
The tax relief saving gives £125 for an employee each year. Eligible workers are able to claim the full year’s tax entitlement if they have had to work from home and been told by their employer to do so even if it has been for just one day.
If an employee has either returned to working in an office since April or is about to return they can still claim the working from home tax relief benefit for the tax year 2021/22.
Employees apply to HMRC directly and will then receive the full tax relief that is due. When their application has been checked and approved their tax code will be changed for the 2021/22 tax year and they will receive the tax relief through their PAYE salary.
You can check your eligibility and apply here.
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