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Yoga for Holistic Well-being
People restrict yoga merely to performing some asanas(yoga poses). And perceive that it’s benefits are only at the physical or body level. People fail to realize the extensive benefits yoga offers by unifying your mind, body and soul., 12/23/2016 - For over thousands of years, yoga gurus and expert practitioners have been proclaiming yoga’s significance and its benefits to human health. Luckily you don’t need to be one to avail the benefits, just a few poses in routine life and you are good to go.

However people restrict the definition of yoga merely to performing some asanas(yoga poses). And perceive that it’s benefits are only at the physical or body level. People fail to realize the extensive benefits yoga offers by unifying your mind, body and soul. And when these three unite, you will experience yourself. In other words you will experience spiritual awakening.

Yoga for physical health:

With proper movements, yoga can be an outstanding practice to stretch your muscles, increase the range of motion and smoothen the blood flow. During your initial days you would probably be facing stiff muscles but after few days of your body would start showing the signs of flexibility. Your muscles and joint pain will slowly start disappearing too. The inflexibility of muscles may lead to poor postures, moreover who likes a slouchy body. Since yoga gets more oxygen in your body, you will have an oxygenated and pure blood flow. It also boosts levels of haemoglobin and red blood cells, this reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The list won’t come to an end considering the benefits yoga has on your physical health.

Yoga for spiritual health:

You must have experienced the feeling of serene beauty of nature, gushing rivers, whistling leaves, how about finding that solace in your everyday life? Just close your eyes, sit in meditation, take deep breathes and you are good to go. Studies have found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and led to a significant increase in serotonin levels and decrease in cortisol (a stress hormone) levels. Such calm helps in coordination, memory , better reaction time because they’re less distracted by irrelevant thoughts.

Yoga for overall fitness:

So, when you are physically, mentally and emotionally fit, you are bound to be fit overall. As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, “Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.” Fitness is a state of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well being and yoga is the one that will help you get that.

The Bhagwat Gita aptly quotes :” Yoga is the journey of self, through the self to the self.”

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