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Webryze Negative Reviews & Reputation Management Service
The concept of reputation management is more important than ever as online reviews of products and services can dramatically affect a company’s business, 2/19/2014 - Toronto, Canada - Webryze Inc., ( an industry leading online marketing and website promotion company has launched a professional reputation management service. This offering allows clients to protect their online branding and reputation by having the professionals at Webryze Inc. dynamically monitor the web for any reference to their company or products. If negative or unfair comments are found, Webryze will have them removed and help to restore a company’s positive impression to their customers. This new and exciting service also includes using positive reviews and postings to raise your brand awareness online and improve your search engine ranking. This service is being offered to new clients as a separate activity or to existing clients as an enhancement of the current web management activities that Webryze provides.

What is Negative Review Management?

The concept of reputation management is more.important than ever as online reviews of products and services can dramatically affect a company’s business. Your reputation online is everything, and a few bad reviews can drive away customers. The challenge is that many of these reviews can be posted anonymously and don’t give you the chance to satisfy the reviewer to have the review corrected. By having the team at Webryze Inc. monitoring the web for mentions of your company or product, you can take a proactive step in protecting your reputation the minute a negative review or blog post appears. This monitoring service employs a variety of sophisticated tools and techniques to constantly search the web for mentions of key terms for your company or products. It can find postings in forums, a rip off report, public chat rooms, BBB listings and other recommendation sites that customers might visit before doing business with your company.

Why is Complaint Management so Important?

The online world can be a very competitive place and the ability to post negative reviews anonymously may tempt unscrupulous companies that offer similar services to post unfair and disparaging reviews about your company. Even though the comments are untrue, once they are posted they become a fact for any new customers reading the review. Having the expert team at Webryze monitoring the web for these comments will quickly allow you to limit the damage and have the erroneous comments removed.

Essential Branding Protection against Scams & Competitors

Another powerful tool this new reputation management service includes is brand protection. Your company's logo, advertising copy or slogan may be legally protected but are often used by other companies on the web as their own. This reputation management service helps to stop this unfair use of your company's assets and enhances your online reputation by not allowing other websites or companies to create a false sense of partnership with your brand.

Simple, Affordable Brand Protection

This reputation management service is essential for any company doing business on the web. It is very simple to set up and will provide the peace of mind that your brand and reputation are protected. One call or email to the team at Webryze is all it takes to get started and they'll handle the rest. You can use this service for any product or service you own and feel safe that others are not profiting unfairly from your hard work and success. Give Webryze a call today to see what they can do for you.

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