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Sls Noida
Mohan Kumar

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The SLS initiative: Curiosity project
Learning is important. But, what a lot of us don’t understand that learning is very much dependant on the teaching., 4/10/2015 - Learning is important. But, what a lot of us don’t understand that learning is very much dependant on the teaching. Yes! The learning is entirely dependent on the teaching. At the Symbiosis Law School, Noida, the focus is on recruiting the best of faculty so that the students get the best learning environment. The curiosity project is also an initiative in this direction. While most schools preach law as a technical subject, SLS invests paramount efforts to keep the technicality and yet make the learning interactive. This ensures that the students are not only exposed to the facts but also taught to imbibe them in the mind. It is this effort that puts SLS in the category of best law schools in India.

Inclusive pedagogy

As part of the curiosity project, the Symbiosis Law School has established a faculty-student feedback mechanism wherein students are free to give feedback about the teachers. Depending on the requirements of the students, SLS management is open to even changing the faculty. After all, the students or the learners should have a say in the way that they are being taught.

Online medium

Gone are the days when students had to learn from what the teacher wrote on the blackboard or in the notes. Today, everything is online so why should the learning be offline. From implementing the latest advancements of technology to showing the concepts in a real time scenario, SLS leaves no stone unturned to ensure that the students are given a conducive learning environment.

Track your performance

Most colleges will have teachers reviewing the performance of the students. However, at SLS the belief is to empower the students. Why should the teachers have the sole authority to comment on a student’s performance? Therefore, even the students are allowed to keep track of the number of classes they attend, the performance in weekly tests, scores, etc. This allows them to monitor their performance on their own.

Going beyond the classroom

Learning concepts from the textbook is fine but getting an idea from practical experiences is also important. SLS understands this and therefore takes learning beyond the obvious boundaries of a classroom. Experts are invited to share insights with the students to help them open their minds to newer concepts. Even online tools are incorporated in the regular learning process to improve the learning of the students.

Also, SLS ensures that the faculty involved in teaching the students is not distracted by being asked to manage the administrative jobs. This in turn guarantees that they are able to focus on the job at hand. The faculty as well as administration is always approachable at all points of time implying the students don’t need to fear or hesitate to approach them in case of any type of queries.

The core idea is to develop a transparent system of learning wherein the natural potential within the student is highlighted in order to develop a stronger understanding about the domain and its way of working.

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