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Indira Infertility Clinic and Research Centre

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Test tube baby process - what is the cost of test tube baby in India
In the test tube baby procedure sperm and eggs are collected, fertilized in the laboratory and the resulting healthy embryo is then transferred into the uterus., 9/29/2014 - Test tube baby is another name for IVF procedure, where sperm and eggs are collected, fertilized in the laboratory and the resulting healthy embryo is then transferred into the uterus. A test tube baby is the term that refers to a child that is conceived outside the woman's body. The process is referred to as "in vitro" (outside the body) fertilization. Here eggs are removed from the mother's ovary and incubated with sperm from the father. After fertilization, the "pre-embryos “are allowed to divide 2-4 times (in a "test tube", hence the name) and then returned to the mother's uterus where they can develop normally. Through these procedures, women with otherwise untreatable infertility problems have given birth to healthy babies. It is a method of assisted reproductive technology for treatment of infertility. With egg donation and IVF, women who are past their reproductive years or menopause can still become pregnant. Today, the process of in vitro fertilization is considered common and utilized by infertile couples around the world.

Today, thanks to the efforts of British Nobel Prize winners Dr. Patrick Steptoe and biologist Robert Edwards, who pioneered the procedure with the birth of first test tube baby Louis Brown, IVF is performed successfully around the world. Now, the procedure is so common that more than 5 million around the world have conceived babies through in vitro fertilization or IVF.

The team of fertility specialists includes talented and aspiring Gynecologist, Sonologist, Embryologist and Clinical staff who is highly trained in all aspects of Reproductive technology. They continuously work for the improvement of the IVF treatment program as per the need of their patients. The team at INDIRA IVF with their sincere effort, dedication and professional approach has been instrumental in achieving more than 2000 IVF pregnancies all across India in just 3 years. Their IVF success rates are high and they keep patients' stress levels low. They believe that the best patient is a well informed one, and that you are the most important person in their IVF clinic.

You can visit the clinic or fix up an appointment with their infertility specialist at or or you can call them on 0294-2412063

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