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Chelsea Hackett

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Shade Sails Direct Introduce New Range To The Australian Market
Shade Sails Direct Australia are authorised on-line retailers of sun sails manufactured by Sail Shade World LLC., 11/12/2013 - Shade Sails Direct Australia are authorised on-line retailers of sun sails manufactured by Sail Shade World LLC, an Australian company producing high quality products at very competitive prices thanks to their dedicated manufacturing facility in China. Having already established a presence in the Australian market with their custom made shade products, Shade Sails Direct have now extended their range to include a number of standard sizes and colours at very attractive prices.

Marketing manager Dan Murray explains: "Our initial assessment of the Australian market was that it was almost saturated with standard shade sails and for this reason we chose to focus exclusively on our made to measure or custom range. This has proven very popular, but we have come to realise that for many customers the custom solution is too expensive and by not offering a cheaper alternative we were missing out on a significant number of sales."

With this in mind the company have launched their standard shade sail range in Australia - four different designs in a range of four colours: Porcelain, Grey, Green and Sand. Although these products are offered at a lower price point than the custom made sails, there is no compromise in product quality and the sunsails carry the same 10 year warranty against UV degradation and are made from the same speciality sail cloth supplied by Gale Pacific. UV protection is around 95% and the shades do provide truly "cool shade" as the material is breathable which allows hot air to escape from beneath the sail.

Murray adds "We recognise that the standard sizes will not suit everyone's needs and some people will still require a custom made solution, but by offering a choice we hope to significantly increase a market share over the next year. Although there is a lot of competition we believe the quality of our product and the reassurance of the Sail Shade World brand will be winning factors for us."

In fact, Sail Shade World are the world's largest manufacturer of sunsails with over 70,000 sold worldwide. Please take a look at the available products by visiting the [url=]company website[/url] . For other markets products can be ordered directly from the country specific website, in France this is Voile d'Ombrage France, Sonnensegel Direkt in Germany and Toldos Velas in Portugal.

Shade Sails Direct are owned by French Vie Ltd, an Internet marketing company focussed on developing high quality websites to promote innovative products to markets around the world. The company already operates websites in the USA - [url=][/url] , France, Germany and Portugal. French Vie Ltd is a UK registered company.

Company Contact Information

French Vie Ltd


Hauts Du Brel


+33 565 31 39 57

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