Check the validity of the limousine service provider’s Virginia license. Transportation providers who are licensed can be easily found on DMV’s database.Customer’s testimonials can be very enlightening for service references. BBB certification is always a good signal. You may even contact the institutions as Better Business Bureau and Virginia DMV.
You might discreetly want to know about the driving screening protocol of the transportation service. Most limo service VA, can take you for a test ride during which you can see the actual limousine you are about to hire. During the ride, try to make a checklist of items like air conditioning or heating, TV or condition of the sound system, the cleanliness and comfort of the seats, seatbelts etc.
You could consult the limo company about the kind of services provided during the contract period like the provision of soft drinks or snacks. If you are hiring a limousine service Virginia for a formal event, the attire of the drivers can be discussed/ changed too.
You’d better watch out for additional or hidden charges before signing a contract with any limousine service Virginia. Make the service provider clearly explain such charges and its applicability.
Last but not the least; the contract needs to be studied in detail before being signed. All the services and the vehicle agreed upon needs to be specified on the contract clearly. In fact, also the exact price which you have agreed to pay needs to be included on the contract.