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Robert Smith

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Keton University Leading the Way in Human Resources Education
By developing an articulation agreement with the Human Resource Management Society, Keton University is the online university that offers credit for its M.B.A. program or bachelor’s program in Business Administration students to receive equivalency, 10/31/2016 - The Human Resource Management Society and the Business Management Department at Keton University have entered into an agreement, according to which the students in Keton M.B.A. program or its bachelor’s program in Business Administration are eligible to receive equivalency transfer credit from the Human Resource Management Society or vice versa.

Keton University students are working professionals who possess a wide range of prior experience and education, and have attained professional designations in their fields or industries. For the Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), and now the GPHR certification, Keton offers B.S.B.A. or M.B.A. course transfer equivalency credit.

“Granting transfer of credit for the HR certification was an easy decision given the quality of the SHRM/Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) content and the importance we place on human resources, international business and global management in our curriculum,” said Dr. Patrick Bradman of the School of Business Management at Keton University.

Academic and administrative staff development and the crucial role it should play in the process of institutional change is still a rather unexplored area. Human resource development concepts and their systematic implementation are the exception rather than the rule in European higher education institutions. The need for further work in this field, however, is vital for a range of reasons:

• in many countries an ageing cohort of academic staff requires more systematic succession planning and talent development within the institution

• increased national and international competition for high quality staff

• more competitive funding, project management and inter-institutional collaboration require greater managerial and personal skills

• more autonomy and more proactive strategic profiling of the institution require improved leadership competence

The Keton University is leading the way in higher education to explore ways of providing affordable and quality education to its students. The partnership integrates HR and business promotion and cost effective solution for the working adults and the students who want joint degrees. The program could serve a model for other universities to follow. The university’s ability to develop creative approaches to education delivery will yield better value and improved outcomes for the student community, as well as serve the surrounding community. All of this happens when everyone works together toward a common goal -- enhancing the well-being of students and the community. This partnership is a tremendous opportunity to test new models of education delivery and new models of teaching that include interprofessional training of the next generation of students. The partnership team believes that integrating such credit transfer programs and joint degrees will provide students with the resources needed to become successful professionally.

About Keton University

Keton University is a premier academic institution providing online education to adult learners globally. It’s one of the largest online universities carrying a tradition to impart and promote high quality educational programs. With diverse and latest accredited educational courses, specifically designed to meet the needs of working adults, Keton University has paved its way to excellence.

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