Currently, there has been a trend of using design replica furniture in homes and offices, but finding them had proved to be difficult. The prices asked for these classic pieces were very high, putting them out of reach of ordinary families. This is where entered the market with offerings of classic Scandinavian and Italian design furniture, and they have not looked back since then. The opening of their store in Edinburgh was their first shot at ensuring the availability of retro furniture to the common householder, at very reasonable prices. They have succeeded in this venture through bypassing antiquated European laws regarding protection of original designs for over 70 years after a designer’s death by using Scotland’s law, wherein design patents are valid for 25 years after its original release. With legal issues settled, has been able to produce some exquisite furniture pieces including classic furniture design in wood for their clients worldwide at very reasonable prices. Their range of classic furniture is very vast and ranges from chairs and tables for home and office use to furniture for restaurants and cafes. Along with the desk chairs, they also have a whole range of office accessories like leather chairs, clocks, desk lamps, etc., at excellent prices, some as low as 50% when compared to similar licensed items available in the market. All that is needed to get on their mailing list is to register with and browse through their vast online catalogue. It comes as something of a shock at the discounts being offered with some items going for over 80% of the list price. has a wide range of classic and designer chairs, many from Scandinavia for the home as well as office. While the High Street prices for some of these chairs start from UK£30000 to UK£5000, can deliver it to your doorstep at below UK£400. Very popular among customers is the simple minimalistic design of the Scandinavian design chair from designers like Arne Emil Jacobsen, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, etc. Another reason for the success of is their 3-year warranty on furniture items purchased from them as well as their 15-day return policy with full money back guarantee; the items must be sent back in their original condition and packaging.
They are based at 60, Constitution Street in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and they have caused something of a revolution in the online replica designer furniture business. Their huge range of classic designer products for the home and office can be seen in full by anyone who desires to own classic furniture at