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Renu Kishor

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Fr. Agnel School, Noida, gets a visit from was warmly received by students at Fr. Agnel School in Noida. The MCG team showed various tools that could help students choose and decide on a career path. Article written by Ishan Bairoliya, 11/24/2014 - Class 10 students were the first to interact with the event, and although these children were in their primary stage of career planning, the MCG team conveyed the significance of having an idea of what they wanted to do, so that they could pick a stream accordingly in 11th. The general consensus was that students had a rough idea of what to do, but didn’t know how to pursue it. The MCG team advised students to take the ‘Stream Suggestor Test’, which is a type of psychometric assessment that tells class X students on suggestion of a stream that is suitable for them can be made after 10th class and take advice on possible career options after 10th.

To those students who were undecided or completely stuck as to which career to pick, the MCG team showed them three informative booklets. The first one that was showed had information about vocational careers with 3D Graphics and Animator, App developer and Store Manager being amongst the most popular vocational careers. The MCG team noted the extent that these types of careers positively affect students.

The second booklet showed was the ‘New Age Careers’ booklet. When shown, the students expressed lots of interest in this booklet, with many students interested in careers such as Bio Medical Engineer, Ethical Hacker and Automobile Designer.

The third and final booklet that was shown was a Self-Career Planning guide. This was a comprehensive guide for students that showed them exactly which subjects they necessary for a particular career. Information about various streams leading to careers is also presented in an “easy to understand” format. All three booklets were given out to students, free of charge as part of a special objective, aimed at giving students the opportunity to develop their knowledge of possible careers.

The MeraCareerGuide team were then flooded with students from 11th, all of whom were rapidly firing questions at the team. Students who were unsure were strongly advised to take the Ideal Career Test and were subsequently given the promotional coupon card. However, many students wanted to know why they should use MeraCareerGuide as their tool to help them plan their career. To this, the MCG team informed the students that won the National Award for Best Career Counselling Platform in 2013 and thus have a national reputation. Furthermore, the students were shown a few case studies of previous customers that used The team asked the students if they had any other apprehensions about using MeraCareerGuide, to which they received the unanimous answer of ‘no’. The team felt that they had succeeded at educating the students from Fr. Agnel School on the necessity of career guidance and therefore, wrapped up the day event by giving out free information kits to the students.

About MeraCareerGuide is India’s leading online career counselling portal. The experts at MeraCareerGuide address the career concerns of students from all parts of the country and guide them thoughtfully. The psychometric tests designed by the company have been proven to be extremely effective in understanding the thought process of the students.

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