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James Parker

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contemporary telling of the Rapture and the coming Antichrist
In his new action thriller, “The Twelfth Imam: Rise of the Antichrist” (published by WestBow Press), James W Parker writes a contemporary telling of a possible future regarding Revelation and the battle between heaven and hell. Iran has the bomb!, 5/15/2013 - When the president of Iran announced to the world his country had just launched three nuclear missiles at Israel, he didn’t realize his grand plan would set in motion a series of events that fulfilled prophecies in both Islamic and Christian holy writings by heralding the return of the Islamic Messiah, “the one the Bible calls the Antichrist,” Parker explains.

In “The Twelfth Imam,” Iran has developed the bmb and has finally launched a deadly attack on Israel and “the Great Satan,” the United States. The attack brings unexpected results when the missiles somehow go astray and destroy the Dome of the Rock. While the Israeli attack fails, Iranian agents succeed in destroying several American cities, including the nation’s capital, with a nuclear blast.

These actions cause a series of ancient prophecies to culminate, first with Christians being removed from the Earth in a mass exodus, while simultaneously, the 12th Imam, the long-awaited Islamic Messiah, returns from the Jamkaran well where he has been slumbering for nearly 1,200 years.

“There is not anything in the book that has not happened, is not happening right now or could not happen in the very near future,” Parker explains. “Iran is developing nuclear weapons and threatens Israel and the U.S. all the time. Iran’s president ordered a railway constructed from Qom to Tehran so the 12th Imam could get there without any problems. The Bible says the rapture could happen at any time.”

James Parker has taken the well-established Bible doctrine of the rapture and presented it with a fresh look by tying it to Islamic end-time prophesies. While most end-time novels focus on the traditional narrative first established in the 1970’s, Parker has shown there is a clear Islamic connection to Christian end-time prophesies regarding the antichrist.

His approach is in keeping with the scriptures, and his approach feels as if it is taken right from the newspapers of today. We are currently seeing the rise of Islam with attempts to establish a one world caliphate along with the rise of extremists in countries such as Egypt, Syria, Libya and others. This, along with attempts to establish Sharia law in the US court system and in towns like Dearborn, Michigan makes the 12th Imam’s premise seem very plausible indeed. Jack Minor - Editor

“The Twelfth Imam: Rise of the Antichrist”

By James W Parker

Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | ISBN 9781449785482

Softcover | 6 x 9 in | ISBN 9781449785468

E-Book | ISBN 9781449785475

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble or have your local bookstore order it.


About the Author

James Parker is currently a Pharmacist living in Nevada. He has competed in the Church Training Service of First Free Will Baptist Church in Garland, Texas, where he also competed in Music and Arts for singing and song writing. He has written over 100 songs. He became interested in Islam in 2006 which led him to research the Islamic end time prophesies as well as the Islamo-political events in the Middle East which formed the basis for this book. Parker has combined his knowledge of Islamic prophesies with decades of experience studying the bible to produce a compelling look at future events from a fresh and unique perspective

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