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Tyler Greene

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Anosaila Set To Release New Debut Albums On January 16, 2013
Anosaila releases its debut Albums, "Life To Death" and "Breach The Border(s)", on January 16 2013 through BandCamp. After receiving wide praise for its first EP Anosaila returns with a new full length album, and a re-release of its first album., 12/12/2012 - The debut albums feature a broad spectrum of post-rock music, from the soft piano ballads of tracks “Desolate” and “The One Left Here (Lonely)” to the driving, hard hitting songs, “The World Between Us” and “Andromeda”. Anosaila has catchy melodies and hard hitting beats and is a fresh and entertaining artist.Tyler Greene began writing music under the banner Anosaila in 2011, and writes and records all of the instrumentations. "Anosaila is a way for me to express my artistry in a way other than what I'm accustomed to. After being apart of countless bands of hard driving metal music, it's refreshing to just create music without the restrictions of writing to a specific genre". With his newest album "Life To Death" Tyler wanted to create a concept that could flow throughout the cd and hopes people can draw in the emotional connections that were infused within the flow of each track.

After receiving positive feedback from his 2011 release of "Breach The Border", Tyler began working on a new full length album that would be driven by piano instead of guitar. In February of this year pre-production began on "Life To Death", as well as a new concept for the album."I wanted the music to tell a story, so I started working on ways to create the world the music would encompass". In March the first five tracks of the album were written and recorded, including the most recent online release, "Mirage Mirage". By August the last five tracks were written and recorded. In October all tracks were mixed and mastered by Atlantic Moon Productions.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview, please call Tyler Greene at (302)668-5520 or e-mail at

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