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Detectivfrei AG
Andy Fadder
41 44 283 6080
Zurichbergstr. 26A

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A Detectivfrei's Privatdetektive makes a difference in the quality of your work
Aside from providing quality services in solving tough cases, Detectivfrei's privatdetektive also offer witness protection., 3/22/2013 - Detectivfrei's is a leading detective agency in Switzerland since 2006. The firm has gained an extreme popularity for providing a great level of expertise, reliability and confidentiality. Their team involves highly trained professionals and privatdetektive, who are always available with the best information to carry out the work effectively. They provide services both to private and corporate sector, which includes collecting evidence and information, relationship issues and observations, technical monitoring, personal environment investigation, searching for property damage, theft, etc. They even offer a telephone consultation free of cost in order to solve the problem.

While having a direct conversation, the concerned person replied, "We have a team of highly specialised and skilled detectives to assist clients in examining the facts of a situation and to gather an additional information by remaining in the boundaries of the law. Our continuous adaption towards the market conditions enable us to maintain a strong relationship with many industrial and service companies. We often work for irregular hours depending on the needs of the case. Apart from that, we keep detailed notes and video for reports to provide our clients and spend most of the time conducting surveillance. Our learning process never ends as we continue to get familiar with the latest happenings in the world."

Aside from providing quality services in solving tough cases, Detectivfrei's privatdetektive also offer witness protection. They use efficient methods to get the facts of a given assignment. For the prime suspects, they also perform database searches to gather all the information such as previous records, address, club membership,etc. They are well versed with the latest technological gadgets like mini trackers, cell phone trackers and video cameras. They always get their job done, no matters how tough the circumstances are. Thanks to their exceptional services, it is now easy to track the people behind the fraudulent activities.

The same person also added that, "Our area of expertise also includes Investigation in employment matters, monitoring of field service personnel, Insurance Fraud, General and special trade information, Patent and licensing violations, Counseling in crisis situations, Competition clause violations, Securing arrest claims, Industrial espionage, Solvency Clarifications, protection of the spoken word, etc. Hiring us always help you to maintain a safety and sanity in the personal and business life. We always make sure that the documents we gather is documented and be in safe hands."

For more details, feel free to contact, phone: +41 (0) 44 283 60 80, Fax: +41 (0) 44 283 60 81, Email:

Company Profile Detail :

Company Name : Detectivfrei AG

Company Contact Person : Themis Kostenas

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Company Website :

Company Address : Zurichbergstr. 26A

Company Contact No. : 41 44 283 60 80

Company Fax No. : 41 283 60 81

City : Zurich

Postal Code : 8027

Country : Switzerland

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